Cleaning Tips

6 Ways to Update Your Office Space for Spring

Your office space can feel like the polar opposite of spring, even if you’re lucky enough to have outdoor access. Keeping an orderly and organized space in your office takes some effort, but it’s an effort that can be more than worth it once you see the results. These six tips will help you spruce up your office space for spring and keep it that way all year long.

1) Start With a Plan

Once you’ve decided to start spring cleaning your office, it’s time to figure out how you want your office space to look. First, start small. Do a quick run-through of your space and decide the direction you’d like for your spring update to go. Do you want to liven up the space? Do you want to organize the space? Do you want to add color to your office?

Once you’ve decided the general direction you want to take your spring office update to go in, you can start by making a list of tasks you need to do to get there. These tasks can include:

  1. Add real or faux plants
  2. Buy colorful decorations
  3. Organize your papers
  4. Replace your desk chair
  5. Fix broken blinds
  6. Hang photos on the walls

2) Get Rid of Clutter

Do you feel like your office is bogged down with files, loose papers, stacks of books, and stuff you never use? We can’t stress enough how important it is to keep your office space clean and decluttered to boost productivity and workplace happiness. If you’re looking for a little inspiration or some new ideas on how to start spring cleaning your workspace, we’ve got some tips on how to clear out the clutter.

Start by asking yourself these three questions: What’s working in my office right now? What needs a little tweak or update? What should be tossed out entirely? Starting by asking yourself these questions will help you to stay on-task and goal-oriented in your spring office refresh.

Once you’ve determined what to keep, what to update, and what to toss, you can write down a list of tasks to get you started in decluttering. Starting on one area of your office space at a time will prevent you from getting overwhelmed easily and will allow for small wins at a time. You can start by organizing the top of your desk, then moving on to drawers, and so on!

3) Add Color & Plants

Adding color and bringing plants into your office space will make you feel more positive while you work in the office this spring. It’s also a way to bring life back into your office, especially if you work from a desk with no color or nature around you.

Some people may prefer an office that is clean and minimalistic, with natural colors like tan and white. If this makes you more productive and happier in your office space, remove excessive color and go for the minimalistic style! If you like a colorful working environment, add some bright artwork to your office walls or add fresh flowers to your desk.

Plants are especially beneficial—aside from improving air quality, they can increase productivity by lowering stress and making people more relaxed. Sometimes office spaces can feel stuffy and boring- by adding plants and incorporating nature into your space, you can completely change the look and feel of your office space.

4) Update Lighting

Since we spend so much time in our offices, spring cleaning also means freshening up lighting. If you can, swap out your lights with warmer ones, use a dimmer switch, or add a couple of lamps to your office space. Not only will they brighten up your space, but they’ll help set that seasonal tone and make you feel more productive and ready to get things done.

Changing out your lighting not only affects your mood and productivity but can also be energy-saving for your commercial business. Energy-efficient lighting is better for the environment and for your pocket!

5) Update the Break Room

If you’re lucky enough to have a workplace with a break room, it’s worth spending some time sprucing it up for spring. Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be costly—you can update your break room cheaply by focusing on one new decoration or addition at a time.

Start by cleaning up and decluttering the break room. If you don’t have a commercial cleaning service or janitorial service to clean up your space, the break room can get dirty fairly quickly with everyone who comes in and out. Cleaning the break room first allows you to start fresh and bring life back to the break room.

Once you’re done cleaning, follow up by decluttering any unnecessary items that are taking up space in the break room. Add a nice piece of wall art to brighten up the space, and maybe even a couple of plants! Your coworkers or employees will appreciate the life you are bringing back into the break room.

6) Refresh Your Technology & Devices

We’re not just talking about your phone, we’re talking about your desktop and laptop, too. Spring is a good time to refresh your tech devices, and it can be as simple as decluttering apps and files (or giving them a good wipe down).

You touch your phone and computer all day long- so it’s probably time to give them a thorough clean. Use a screen-safe cleaning spray and microfiber cloth to wipe down the screen and keyboard. You can also buy compressed air specifically for your electronics to get any dust or debris from under the buttons.

After you’ve done the physical cleaning, it’s time to move on to digital cleaning. Go through your apps and delete the ones you no longer use. Organize your file clutter into specific folders for easy access later. Upload photos or files to a cloud-based service and then delete them off of your device to save storage.

Invest in a Commercial Cleaning Service

Start your spring season off with a professional cleaning service. Leave the cleaning and janitorial work to the pros who have all the right products and tools to get your office space sparkling. By investing in a commercial cleaning service, you allow your employees to be happier in their workspace, leading to more productive workdays!

FlowerHill Facility Services provides general commercial cleaning services, janitorial services, and disinfection services for your commercial space. Start with a commercial cleaning service today to get your commercial space spotless and well-maintained for both your employees and your customers!

FlowerHill Facility Services serve the North Richland Hills area, including Keller, Southlake, Colleyville, Fort Worth, and Roanoke. Call today to schedule your service at (817) 422-4740 or visit to learn more!

Cleaning Tips

5 Surprising Ways Having a Clean Office Space Improves Productivity

A clean office space doesn’t just make the workday more pleasant — it can actually improve productivity by making workers feel happier and more comfortable, helping them focus better on their tasks, and even improving their ability to recover from a stressful day at work. Here are five surprising ways having a clean office space improves productivity- and how hiring a commercial cleaning company can help you boost productivity even more.


1) Cleaning your office shows respect for yourself and your team

Your office spaces represent a place of business, so having a clean environment demonstrates respect both for yourself and those around you. Letting mess pile up without ever being addressed can make coworkers feel undervalued. What’s more, when your space is organized and clean, you’ll be able to accomplish more in your office!

Nothing says “I don’t care” like leaving piles of unopened mail and messy stacks of books on your desk. When you care about how your office looks, it sets an example for others to follow. Plus, when everything is neat and tidy, you won’t spend as much time searching for things. On average, we lose one hour per day looking for lost items. (Imagine what could be accomplished if we weren’t spending that time looking for lost items?)


2) Not cleaning your office puts you at risk of getting sick

A dirty office isn’t just unsightly, it can put you at risk of catching colds and flu. This is because when we spend time in an unclean environment, our immune systems take longer to respond to new diseases. If your office is messy, it puts everyone else working around you at risk as well. Make sure everyone who enters your office follows these three easy steps: keep hands washed; cough into their sleeve; and clean up after themselves!

There are also commercial cleaning and janitorial companies that offer disinfection services that are extra important to fight against illnesses, especially coronavirus. FlowerHill Facility Services offers Electrostatic Spray Disinfecting that can eliminate bacteria and viruses from your office, keeping you and your team safe.


3) A clean office lets you focus on what’s important

Having a clean office allows you to focus on what’s important. Your time can be much better spent on being productive with your team or on your own work when your space is clean. If you’re spending your day cleaning, it’s taking away valuable hours that could be used more effectively elsewhere.

A clean office can help motivate your employees because there are fewer distractions for them to deal with. They can see they have a leader who cares about making sure they succeed and setting an example of how things should be done around the office. An organized workspace makes sense in every way; do yourself (and your staff) a favor and get your office space clean!


4) Clean environments inspire creativity

According to Dr. David Lewis, Director of Operations at Ohio State University’s Center for Brain Sciences, research shows that people perform tasks better when their work environment is free from clutter and distractions.

Creating clear spaces has been shown to encourage creativity, too! When you have a space that is free from dirt, grime, and clutter, you are able to give your full attention to your creative process. A clean environment fosters more innovation and imaginative ideas. So, by hiring a commercial cleaning service, you foster creativity in your workspace!


5) Clients or customers will be happier when they see a clean office

A clean office space tells people you’re organized and serious about your business. A customer can tell from your office that you’re dependable, professional, and have good attention to detail. And studies show that customers tend to be more trusting of a company if it appears well-organized. So keeping your office clean and tidy is not just a part of running an efficient business; it also makes sense for marketing purposes!


Hire a Commercial Cleaning Service

You’re unlikely to find or even have time to keep up with a rigorous cleaning schedule, so it’s best to hire someone who will make sure your office is spotless. Let a janitorial service do the hard work for you so that you can focus your attention 100% on running or building your business.

FlowerHill Facility Services technicians are pros when it comes to commercial cleaning. They know the correct products and methods to use when cleaning so that your office space is left sparkling. FlowerHill Facility Services services the North Richland Hills, Texas area, including Keller, Southlake, Colleyville, Fort Worth, and Roanoke for all of your janitorial cleaning needs. Call today to schedule your commercial cleaning service at 817-422-4740.